Wednesday, October 12, 2011

WTF being a new grad is rough

ugh. I find a lot of things frustrating right now. I think my constant questioning of everything I do and everything that is done by employer is somewhat exhausting. Recently though I didn't question enough. I had a patient who was seen at the emergency service the night before who they diagnosed with UTI, R/O neoplasia and stones (none were visible on the radiographs). I saw him because he had not improved on the abx. The ER had checked his prostate and said it was WNL. I ended up not repeating that diagnostic and recommending an ultrasound... well he goes to ultrasound and he has a huge prostate as well as TCC of the trigone of his bladder, and I just feel like such a jerk because I missed this, I trusted the physical exam that was performed... So now I don't know what to think if I should question everything all the time, or trust when possible. It's so difficult I guess you just keep doing whatever feels right in the moment... but honestly I will probably always check the prostate no matter what now! and probably I'll always re-check other peoples physical exams...

1 comment:

  1. Oh lady, I'm sorry!

    If it helps... had you found the prostate on PE, you would have referred for US anyway.

    Not that it helps, but I think you did the best you could (!!!) and it sounds like this was a tough case to begin with in terms of coordinating the clients, the ER, the US, etc.

    I'm sorry lady!
