Tuesday, September 13, 2011

On call

I was on call last weekend. It was my second weekend on call. The weekend started with a horse that may have been bitten by a snake. I went out and she was sweating and agitated with no evidence of a snake bite. I gave her dexamethasone and benadryl and told the owner to spray her with fly spray. He did and she took off bucking and kicking and overall freaking out. So I suspected that she was reacting to the fly spray and told the owner to wash her. I left thinking that would be the end of it. So u continued my weekend and was called out another 10 times. some of the highlights were a female cat who was flat out and barely responsive who had previously diagnosed with fip. So I was thinking she had fluid in her chest. She did not. But she did have a creat of 23 a bun of 210 and a potassium of 10. So i unblocked her but spent the rest of the weekend thinking she was going to die. Somehow she did not die and went home a few days later. After I recommended euthanasia about 4 times. I also successfully pulled a calf, unsuccessfully treated a down cow and did two c-sections back to back on two bulldogs back to back starting at 8 pm and ending at 2am. The first was successful and the 4 puppies and momma did well. The second one, not so much. So I opened her up and found that she had adhesions from uterus to body wall. I tried to break them down to get the uterus out but as I did I tore the uterine serosa. So I left them alone and cut into the uterus. I pulled out 9 puppies that were half bulldog and half lab. Oops, the unneutered lab in the house got to her before she was sent to the stud. So I got all the puppies out and get all the placentas out and then notice that it looks like there is still a puppy. So I squeeze the uterus and huge blood clots come out. And she is still bleeding from the inside of her uterus and from the adhesions and from somewhere else that i can't find. The tear that I caused was not bleeding and had that been the only issue everything would have been fine but I can't get the bleeding under control. The owner is in the other room with the puppies so I call her in and tell her that her dog needs spayed because she is bleeding and that's the only way to stop it that I know of. She agrees and I start spaying her. But she's still bleeding and I don't have suction and c ant see well. I came so close to panicking and it was 1 am and I was alone with my technician. I told her to run fluids wide open and I was finally able to stop the bleeding when I clamped the uterus. The lesson I learned there is to clamp everything and then remove things. She walked out pretty anemic but at least she walked out. Her post op bp was 50 and she was very pale.
So the weekend finally was over at three am. The horse I saw first was no better by tues and was acting neuro and depressed. I drew blood for encephalitis panel but had no good way to treat her. So
Igive more dex since it helped a little bit and leave. Fri another was showing neuro signs. So crap we start suspecting ehv and have to call the state vet. So Monday I have to go draw blood and get nasal swabs from all horses on the property some of which have never had a halter on. Needless to say it was a rodeo. We overnighted samples to state lab. While I was there the owner pointed out a dead bird and asked if herpes affects birds..... Herpes doesnt but west Nile does.....(which was one of my first ddx because all are unvaccinated until the second one was affected and also she had been at a racetrack recently) So today we get a call from antech saying the horse tested positive for west Nile.... Still waiting for herpes test

1 comment:

  1. WOW.

    I'm sorry.

    Congrads on the bulldog - and it sounds like there wasn't a thing you could do on the other bulldog!

    And west nile... wow. Awesome?
