Friday, July 22, 2011

So i find this practice thing to be much like my golf game. Sometimes i hit really nice shots, i don't know how or why but i do. Then there are some days where i just flub...whats changed...who knows. It seems that that is how my surgeries go as well, some beautiful, and some i don't even know if i have gotten into the abdomen or not.

it seems talking to people on the phone though that this is normal. and it seems that everyone is having their "oh crap i screwed up" moments. i guarantee it won't be as bad as mine, so when you have your moment, give me a call and i'll share you my ineptness (i'd do it here but i don't need that out there in writing ;) ).

i've had some eureka all star moments as well, which feels good. but then i have a moment like yesterday where i had an 18 lb cat come in and they barely feed it anything, just a few handfuls a day. I was stumped what to tell them except to try to cut food more, until one of the other Drs pointed out that a few handfuls is a lot of food....i pictured handfuls like i make which isn't much at all.

besides work things though, i miss company of people i enjoy hanging out with . i am trying to be social here, but its so much work and often i am bored.

1 comment:

  1. I was all... golf? I don't know anything about golf... (my hitting the ball is 100% bad, well -- much like surgery, actually, now that I think of it :-) ).

    Ah, people -- so funny, so odd, we're all so stuck in our individual experience. Yours - small hands :-) The owner - "only a few handfuls" sounds like such a small ammt! (And cats are such master human-trainers, aren't they?!)

    Practice practice practice???

    Lady, I hope you're getting to sleep and rest and settle in a bit, I really think the toll of constantly learning is a quietly exhausting one. Please cuddle with the beasties for me. :-)
